CLARA GIBSON MAXWELL PRINCIPAL WORKS: Création chorégraphique (solo) commissioned for the first Festival de l'Imaginaire , followed by two-hour discussion with a dozen anthropologists, artists, art critics, art historians, novelists, sociologists, and philosophers, including: Patrick Baudry, Jean-Marie Brohm, Françoise Hascoët-Duvignaud, David Le Breton, Michel Maffesoli, Jean-Marie Pradier, Jean Duvignaud. 1997 Maison des Cultures du Monde (Paris) Jean-Marie Brohm, "Le Corps Dansant". Internationale de l'Imaginaire. Nouvelle série, No. 8 - Janvier 1998 Le corps tabou, pp. 31 and 32-35.
LE CORPS-ÉROS VIDEO. Cameraman/Editor: Yves Dalmau: |